Sunday, May 2, 2010

We want the right people on our team.

Are you the right person?
Are you a giving loving and fun person ?
These are the people that we want on our team, to help Ame win her gold medal at the 2012 Paralympics.
We need Your Support in spreading the word to all your friends and family and ask them to do the same. Can You help us get 19.000 people to donate $10 each ?
We need this by June 2010 to get Ame to Medemblick, Holland for the Disabled Sailing World Championship.
That is all we ask from  you to become a part of the Ame's Army Team
This will make you feel so good!  Go to Ames army
If you still are in Doubt that giving is good for you  check this out
29 gifts healed her life !

You can folllow our progress on Ame's Army.

So far, Kevin our Team Manager has succeeded in getting over $200,000 worth of charitable contributions from people and organizations to get Ame's Army to where it is right now.
How is this for giving??...............A wonderful lady named Tish Ennis has donated $35.000 to buy a SKUD 18 race boat, for Ame and her team mate Lindsay Mason. How good is that !!

We are so thankful for all the support and help we have received so far from almost every organization we have approched, such as a Shipping Line, to help us get the boat over to Europe , a PR company to get the word out and get publicity,  a Law firm to help us with the legal aspects and Sailability New South Wales, we would have been lost with out their support!
Not to mention the thousands of hours that has been put in by our team.

Now we want YOU and your Family and friends on our team too !!
By clicking on this link:

Become a Supporter Now.

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