Monday, September 1, 2008

10 Ways to Save Money Now

Easy and painless ways to save money every day.

  1. Trade Starbucks for, well, more bucks. If you’ve already spent $6 on a beverage alone and it’s not even lunchtime, you’ve got a bad breakfast habit. If expensive coffee drinks are draining your funds yet you can’t give up the caffeine, brew your own or give the old deli coffee a try. At less than $1, you’ll be able to save up to $25 a week and a whopping $1,300 a year!

    "Reigning in mindless spending -- and wearing what you already have -- can save you hundreds, if not thousands, a year."

  2. Don’t get taken to the cleaners. If you’ve ever been to the dry cleaners, you’ve no doubt scratched your head at the diabolic pricing structures. How can it really cost that much? Spare yourself the bitterness and reevaluate your dry-cleaning needs. Try to cut your bill in half by laundering some items at home.
  3. Brown-bag it. If you eat lunch out five times a week and spend about $5 a clip, you’re looking at about $1,300 a year in sandwiches, soups, and other fast foods. But bringing your lunch doesn’t have to suck. If you stock up on readymade items like soups, burritos, and frozen meals, you can save up to $2 to $3 a day. The only thing you need to do is remember to bring it with you!
  4. Dine in rather than out. Craving that Indian spot you love to hit on Friday nights? Try making that chicken tikka masala at home. By digging up your favorite recipes online and then heading to the store for all of the ingredients, you’ll save money and have leftovers for the next day. Plus, you’ll get to congratulate yourself on your amazing samosas and pakoras!
  5. Ditch the brand names. We’re not just talking about Coach and Polo; we’re talking about Panadol, Hellmann’s, and Charmin too. Whenever possible, choose the generic store brand over your favorite label. Most of the time, the formulation is exactly the same; you’re just paying for the packaging. A dollar or two here and there adds up!
  6. Give the horse a rest. If you’ve been called a “shoe horse” or a “clothes horse,” this message is for you. If you’re known for buying clothes, makeup, pillows, or home decor in excess, it’s time to cut back. Reigning in mindless spending -- and wearing what you already have -- can save you hundreds, if not thousands, a year.
  7. Jump on the wagon. Alcohol can be a diet-wrecker and a budget-buster. When you’re drunk, you think nothing of buying a round of Grey Goose shots for your nearest and dearest friends (and the awesome dudes you met 10 minutes ago). Later, you go home and wash the booze down with eight slices of pizza and a side of wings. When you control your drinking, you’ll have more money in your pocket and less flab around your waist.
  8. Carpool. A year or two ago, we would’ve laughed this idea off. We’re all down with saving money, but carpooling? Doesn’t sound very easy! Fast-forward to 2008 with gas prices climbing higher and higher; suddenly, saving money is no laughing matter. By splitting the drive and cost of gas with just one other person, you can reduce commuting costs by half -- add another person and save more!
  9. Watch at home. With the average price of a movie ticket at almost $7 per person (and even more in some areas), a night out at the movies is no longer a cheap date. Add two kids to the mix and it’s bordering on “special occasion” status. Why invest your hard-earned money in what could be a Hollywood flop? Instead, consider blockbuster weekly movies. If you hate the movie, you’ve only spent a dollar or two and you can take it right back to where it came from.
  10. Indulge yourself at home. If manis and pedis have become weekly must-haves, it’s time to cut back. Extend the life of your mani/pedis by repolishing rather than running back to the spa for every chip or smudge. By investing in the tools of the beauty trade (remover, polish, and a manicure set), you can save a good chunk of change a month. Now that’s beautiful.
  11. Put the money in a jar every time you have saved on something, do this for a month and then open a super fund and keep on putting the pennies in every time you save. Over the years on a 5% interest... Wow, it does become a lot of money !!!
What are some of your favorite cost-cutting tips? Share yours below.

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